I have some cute girls. The following is a conversation I had with my 4 year old, Keanna, in the van while driving home tonight.
Dad says: "Keanna can you please turn off your light".
Keanna: " But Daddy, I can't see!"
Dad says: "I know, but I can't see either and I am driving, so please turn off your light." Keanna: "When I get older, I'm going to turn on my light."
Dad says: "Not if I'm driving."
Keanna: "When I get older I'm going to buy a car, a nice car, a new car with nice and new tires, and I'm going to turn on the light. And when it gets old I'm going to turn it back in."
Dad realizing he can't win, rolls his eyes and asks: "But Keanna, how are you going to get money to buy the car?"
Keanna quickly replies: "I'm going to get a husband, and then I'm going to have a baby."
Dad envisions the future and nearly drives off the road untill....
Keanna asks: "Mommy and Daddy, will you tell me when I can get married and have a baby?"
Dad gives Mom a high five, and has urges to stop the van and start doing cartwheels.
Parenting may be rough, but it certainly can be entertaining. And as long as I get to decide when and who my daughters date and marry, I guess I can't complain too much.