Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Imperfect Perfection

I'm a decent Mom, at least I try. However, when Super Mom enters the room at a school or church function, my knee's quiver in awe. It reverts me back to High School when the good looking guy asks to borrow a pencil, I can't form a sentence to answer back.

All of you know exactly who I am talking about, it could very well be you. Unfortunately, I am not this women despite my efforts. My question is how do you accomplish this feat? When the rest of the world is sleeping, do you sew your childrens clothing, make a gourment breakfast and clean toilets? Do you have fairies in the attic, who come down and with a wave of a magic wand do your chores? I can only dream of having my home and family put together in such a manner. Incomprehensible.

How I dream to have a spotless house, a healthy delicious meal on the table at 6 pm all without turning on the TV during the day. I long to do science activities with my children after school and continually stimulate their brains so that they may fulfill their potential. The list goes on and on. However, in the end I am forcecd to give some of it up. I will keep trying to sew adorable accessories and brush my infants teeth twice a day. I am forced to realize it can't ALL be done.

So next time, super Mom cheerfully walks into the room with her 5 neatly dressed children, each child dressed coordinating with the next. The girls with their matching bows and the boys shirts with a crisp crease down the length of their arm. I will examine my 3 sweet daughters and appreciate their warm smiles and forceful hugs. I will enjoy my stained jeans and the craft cluttered kitchen table. At least for now, those 3 beautiful girls think I am Super Mom and I am grateful for that.


likeschocolate said...

You have expressed so perfectly what I have been feeling lately. How do they do it? I am a pretty organized person; however, it seems one of my boys always has a dirty face or their shirts are not tucked into their pants. My child loses a school book and the list goes on. The other day it was keys and I barely made it to the turkey dinner on time. Why drives me crazy is not so much all they do with their children is how they manage to look perfect all the time the straight hair not out of place the just right amount of makeup and the clothes that are out of a catalog. It is a mystery that I am sure I am never going to figure out. I would just be happy if we could get through sacrament meeting without someone being in the hall for being irreverant. In the end though as you put it all that matters is that you are your children's super mom.

likeschocolate said...

I guess I need to read before I push send. Tired and long night. Sorry for the long run on sentence.

Ashley said...

I still love reading your blog and all about your adventures! I go through this too from time to time. I decided a while ago to stop comparing myself to other people and only compare to my former self. You know, where was I last year and what have I accomplished or improved upon since. Just a thought. And I still think you are great =)

The Rich's said...

Oh Emily you are a super MOM! I look at the time you take to spend with your family and the incredible moments you capture with your photos you truly love your children which makes you SUPER MOM!

Emily said...

Don't worry...I have dirty dishes in the sink waiting to go into the dishwasher that is full of clean dishes waiting to be put away! I also have some of last weeks clean laundry that used to be folded still waiting to be put away, and some clean clothes in the washer that need to be dried! But in the end, I have 2 cute kids, who were washed and sent to bed with kisses. I guess that's the most important part.

Tyra said...

I think you are probably more of a super mom than you give yourself credit for being. But we all feel this way at times. Happy Thanksgiving.