Thursday, May 27, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I Love my girls
It's amazing how each child is born with traits that are different from one another.

Ayla is our little joker who isn't as serious and likes things to take things on a lighter note. She is a bit shy to be the class clown, but she certainly can steal the show at home.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Nerja, the LAST Spain post
We visited Nerja, really just another Spanish Fishing Town. I loved this town because it felt like Spain. We ventured out of the touristy places and found the most satisfying places.

Nerja is famous for what is called "The balcony of Europe." These last pictures are of us enjoying the windy, but beautiful views.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Lap Pool
Have you ever been to the pool and have seen THAT person walk in swim cap, googles and speedo. They jump in and you debate if you ought to save the poor drowning person and then realize they are trying to swim. Well I was THAT swimmer today (all except the speedo).
Above the lap pool there is a balacony that leads up to the "adult section" of the pool. A group of about 5 people were standing there, and although it may sound a little egocentric, I was sure they were laughing. However, I do plan on having a date with the lap pool, very soon.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Saturday and Sunday
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day
I had the most wonderful Mother's Day thanks to these 3 beautiful girls and one special Husband.

I didn't make a single meal all day and was able to take a nice long nap.
Justin wanted to give me a gift with my input and I am soo excited to get it completed. We will collect 8 or so pictures of our European Adventures take them to our favorite framer and have a beautiful collage for our bedroom.

Thank you darling Children and Thoughtful Husband for a great day!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Time to fly home or was it?
We came home from Sevilla put the kids to bed, cleaned and packed until 11 pm. A few hours after we went to bed Lyndi woke up with a fever. I brought Lyndi to bed with me and kicked Justin to the couch. 6:30 we all woke up, ate and drove to the airport. As we were dropping off our car the gentleman helping us mentioned that many flights were cancelled due to the volcanic ash and suggested we checked on ours before returning our car. Justin ran up to check the boards and the boards said our flight was still on schedule to go. We happily returned the car and waited in line to check our bags. We quickly noticed that others were not checking their bags and their faces looked dissapointed as they left the counter. The lady confirmend our suspicions that the flight was cancelled and gave us a piece of paper with a phone number.
The girls and I settled into some chairs and Justin was off to find a phone to see what information he could retrieve from the phone #. 45 minutes later Justin returned with no news. The phone number suggested to go to the internet and the internet sight was having difficulties. We began researching our options:
Train: The train workers in France where on strike, this would not work
Rental Car: It would cost 2000 Euros (at least) to rent a car not to mention gas and 30 hours in the car
Stay Longer and hope to catch a flight out: This was our last option and after several hours of researching our other options decided this was the best answer. We called the couple who rented us the apartment and they graciously gave it to us for free, we rented another car and went back to our lovely apartment.
I think Rick Steves sums up Sevilla perfectly
"Sevilla dosen't have ambience, it is ambience."

This is the perfect city to just wander around and enjoy the rich Old World Charm and smell the vibrant Orange Blossoms. Definetely, one of my favorite cities.

The girls spent a lot of time playing on these iron chains. Great entertainment.

After looking through the cathedral we were all walking outside to a court of Orange Tree's. Once we arrived outside we noticed that Ayla was missing. Justin stayed in the court and went back inside to look for her. It was the worst feeling I searched for about 15 minutes and I could not find her anywhere (this is the longest I have lost a child). After searching the entire cathedral I returned to find Ayla with Justin in the court of the Orange Tree's. 5 minutes earliar a man had brought Ayla to him. I was so grateful to have Ayla safe with me and we decided ice cream was the only reasonable thing to do.
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