I was expecting to see a tangible difference between West and East Berlin. I thought there would be some type of wall still in place separating the two sides of the city (there may be, but we could have missed it). We quickly found out that it was difficult to determine which side of the city you were really on. I kept asking Justin "which side are we on now?"
The guards were told to shoot anyone who tried to escape. The last person to be shot at this border was in the Spring of 1989. The wall fell down later that November. A child fell into the river on the West Berlin side. The child was then considered to be on East Germany. Berliners watched as this child drowned. Nobody wanted to rescue this child in fear that they would be shot. These are a few of the many accounts we read about.
It was so humbling to realize all the freedoms that I have. I was saddened to think about the innocent people who suddenly became prisoners within the wall. One of the interesting things I learned, was that the wall was self contained. Those who lived within the walls, were literally living in a box, with no access to food, or other supplies.
The sign as you enter the West Berlin side

This picture of a Soviet Soldier, is hung at the entrance of the East Berlin side, as a remembrance. On the entrance to the West side, they have a picture of an American Soldier.
Oh you guys just amaze me iwth all your travels! Are your girls so good. They must be. I bet they are, with a dad and mom like you guys! I t was funny because I was showing my kids your latest blog and Garrett saw a picture of the german soldier and thought it was his Uncle Adam. He siad is that Incle Adam as a soldier? It was kind of funny. I do have to say he looks a lot like the man on the sign.
What an amazing trip. I bet you are learning so much and seeing such a different side of life. Don't the Garden Home apartments seem sooooo far away!! And Nathan said he for sure wants to go see that chocolate store when we come!!! yummy
Wow that is really neat. That is so amazing that you get to see all of these places!
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