Monday, May 25, 2009

Ireland Day 1

There is so much to see in Ireland, but with our growing family we decided we wanted to keep the trip as simple as possible and settle in one area. We debated, but finally decided on the westernmost part of Ireland in Dingle. This area is subsudized by the government to preserve the traditional Gaeltacht language and culture.
The statue represents Fungie, the real dolphin that resides in Dingle harbor. Fungie has lived there since 1983 and is tourist favorite. He is frequently seen in the bay and harbor.
Keanna and Ayla near Dingle harbor. Keanna is giving us her toughest "sailor" pose, and Ayla, like always, is trying to figure out what Keanna is doing so she can copy her.

It was a little rainy thay first day, but after a long car and plane ride we wanted to get out and enjoy ourselves.


JasonBingham said...

Hey guys, I finally have my computer and internet. Great talking to you yesterday. Love the pictures. We had fun in Santa Cruz. See ya soon. Don't forget to count your blessings. (even the little ones)

likeschocolate said...

We love Ireland. My family comes from there, but on the other side near cork. It is good to pick one place and go from there. Ireland is small enought that you can pretty much do that. It looks like you had some yucky weather. I hope it got better for you.

Jason and Stacy Bingham said...

I just wanted to add to Jason's comment, Emily when did you have a baby? You look way to awsome to have a 3 month old!