Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sherbet anyone?

I love our cute German babysitter! This has happened a couple times, and I get a great laugh from it! I often find the juice concentrate opened, with what seems like a kitchen knife and then distributed in bowels, like sherbet ice cream! She must think Americans are weird.


Becca Gilbert said...

I'm not gonna lie- I do eat Orange Juice Concentrate for a treat.... sad I know. Mom always used to let us eat a spoonful when she made orange juice, and I continue to do it to this day.

Carina said...

That is pretty funny, you should introduce her to orange julius, this is one of our family favorites!

Leah said...

That story was funny when you told it but even better with the picture- it looks like the metal lid is dented, did she try to get in from the top first?

Austin said...

I'm impressed you spelled sherbet correctly. No one does that.
I may have to try that, but it may be a bit more sugar rush than I can handle.

mariann and Tory said...

That is halarious! I never thought people would think of it like that!

daveandbri said...

Okay, that is way too funny! Gotta love the culture differences. Hey, but I bet the girls love her for the super sweet treats!