Keanna went to an American preschool (put on by my friend) for the month of August. I was suprised how much she grasped, just within a couple weeks. Every day, she wants to write something, count to 100, or do something educational.
We have contimplated for a long time wether or not to put Keanna into Kindergarten this year. She barely makes the deadline, and would be the youngest in her class. I had decided that it wasn't a good idea and considered other options.
German Kindergarten- last year was not the best experience, she became very negative towards the German culture and she made it very clear, she didn't want to go back.
American Preschool- We have been on the waiting list since April. On Thursday, I talked with the preschool coordinator to see if she would be able to get in. It was clear she wasn't going to get into the preschool, I was nearly in tears as I left the building.
Home School- For some reason things get a "little heated" when I try to become Keanna's teacher. The other day we had a pointed conversation that went like this
"Keanna, do yo listen to Mrs. Morris when she teaches you?"
"Keanna, do you listen to me, when I try to teach you?"
"why not?"
"Your not my teacher."
I don't know how all those Mom's home school their kids, I don't think I could do it.
We needed to make a very difficult decision. Justin and I have been thinking and praying about this for some time. I have studied this matter out, and I was convinced that this would be a terrible decision. I have been afraid of her being the youngest, is she emotionally mature enough, would their be other "good kids" for her to play with? I was sure that it would be in her best intrest to hold her back for one year.
Justin and I discussed and prayed about the situation, and realized for some strange reason, putting her in Kindergarten would be a good thing for Keanna. I don't know what will happen in the future, I think we will have to take her education one year at a time.
On Friday, we registerd her for Kindergaren, met with her teacher, went shopping for school clothes and school supplies. It was a big day. She has been excited, I have been a little sad. Keanna has begun the countdown, I have begun to cry to Justin about loosing my baby. I guess she is ready and I am not.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Finally, a Romantic Getaway!
I had successfully managed to be a single Mom for one week, one more week to go! I missed him. Since childhood, dreaming has been one of my strong points, and this lonely week with out my husband was no different. I could almost smell the salty air, feel the sun beat upon my back as I casually took a swim in the pool beside the ocean. Or maybe... I would play in the waves... I allowed my thoughts to consume me until I realized that maybe... I could make this dream my reality, Brilliant!

In a moment I was on the phone, I had successfully secured a babysitter for the long Labor Day weekend. I spent the next 3 hours looking for my fabulous vacation spot and then searching for the perfect place to stay. It was late and I was tired, but my mission was complete! I e-mailed Justin a short itinerary.

Palma De Mallorca Spain!!!We were thrilled at the thought of a Romantic Vacation in a beautiful area!!! Dreams really do come true!
A weekend on the beach would require me to undergo my first bikini wax!! This is considered a modern form of torture. I was able to endure the pain with a clear picture of the beach in my mind drinking a virgin pina colada.

The vacation was getting closer and I had a few more chores that needed to be completed.I wrote a long detailed itinerary for my babysitter. This included a detailed description of my childrens bath time, bed time, daily activities and possible solutions to their occasional ill behavior. A shopping cart was filled with easy bake foods and easy bake cookies.
Agonizing over what I should wear on this weekend getaway, I decided a trip to the store was necessary. Long sweaters, and jeans, would be inappropriate for a romantic getaway such as this.
Besides, officially packing, I had one last important detail to iron out in the next day. Our good car, would stay with the babysitter, we would ride the train to the airport. The airlines offered a special deal on a fly and rail pass! It would take a simple call to get a great deal on our rail pass.
Someone from the airlines picked up the phone immediately! I asked
"spreckensie English?"
He replied in a warm caramelized voice "yes, I do." Splendid!!!
We continued our conversation and I explained my desire for the "Rail and Fly" plan. He was quiet for a moment and then replied
"I think you made an error in the flight itinerary."
My reaction was that of confusion "excuse me?"
"Do you have the itinerary in front of you?"
I quickly scrolled through my confirmation page where the dates were shown and in bouts of laughter I exclaimed
"no way!!!"
and this is was I saw
29/8/2009 to 1/9/2009
Exactly, how dumb could one be!!! In all of my excitement in planning I must have overlooked a key point THE YEAR we would be traveling!
With out much luck we searched for a new flight plan with the correct dates, and sadly hung up the phone. Initially, I laughed off the pain of a crushed dream. Now, I contemplate exactly how I'm going to break the news to Justin!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
There is beauty all around
I love how the poppies grow in the fields outside our village.
sunset from our house
The old church down the road. This was the location for the Edelsfeld fest!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Perfume in the summer
Air conditioning is rare here in Europe, throughout the day one sweats. Naturally, I would want to cover up my unpleasant smell with a little bit of body spray or perfume. Yesterday, I was trying to complete my "to do list." I stopped to talk with friend and immediately began to be swarmed by bees. We swapped them away and decided to take cover in the nearest building. The bees were humming in my ears and I then felt something crawling on my chest. I instinctively turned away from my conversation, pulled my shirt down and tried to coax the bee out from my shirt. I was too late. I was a little embarrassed the "friend" was not only male, but also Justin's boss.
He looked at me a little confused and then I stated "I think I was stung by a bee, no I was." I tried to casually continue my conversation, but was unable to do so with out stuttering. I was happy to part ways.
Within minutes the venom swelled into a little ball. Over the next hour, I felt the venom radiate through my veins and the initial swelling began to shrink. Its been a day and I still feel like I've been pricked by a thorn. I guess I won't wear perfume in the summer.
While Justin's away
Well Justin has been out of town for nearly 2 weeks! We have missed him dearly and can't wait for him to arrive home. He had a blast visiting his family and I hope he was educated at his confernece in New Mexico! While he was gone...this is what we have been up to.

1. Preschool- for the month of August one of my friends is teaching preschool to Keanna and a few other children. It's every Tuesday and Thursday ,about a 30 minute drive and during Ayla's nap time, I was a little skeptical. However, Keanna desperately needs to socialize with Americans her own age, so it's worth it! Keanna is having a blast!
2. ZOO-We went to the Nuremberg zoo with our friends Karen and Vanessa. Can I tell you how easy the zoo was to manage when we outnumbered my kids, 3 adults to 2 children! We saw a dolphin show and the famous baby polar bear Flocke (snowflake)! Too bad I didn't bring my camera :(

3. HAIR- You would think with 2 girls I would be a pro at hair, I'm not. I found a great blog off of Rachels blog it has inspired me. I have done Keanna's hair several times and she was happy with the results!!!
Keanna thinks bangs are the way to go. She sucessfully snipped some bangs for Ayla. Urghh!
4. Olympics!!! We are having a fun time watching the Olympics, Keanna is doing a good job cheering on her favorite athlete. The other day she was exclaiming "go, Mike, go Mike!" Maybe she has a more personel relationship with Michael Phelps then I thought.

Keanna had a really sweet prayer the other day. It went something like this "bless Daddy that he is safe and that he comes home really soon. So I don't have to worry about this anymore."
We are counting down, just a couple more hours to until he is Home!!!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Edelsfeld Stadt Fest
Last week they had the annual "Stadt Fest" in our village. On Saturday the girls and I watched as they brought the tree through town. Keanna was soo excited. I believe that each town has a little festival to celebrate the "dedication" of their church.

watching as they bring the tree through town

On Sunday, we heard the band and the men and women singing through the village. We followed them down to the church, and watched them dance around the tree. I always love to see others dressed in the traditinal Bavarian clothing, I've got to get some. I love it when they sing and yodel, it gives me a great laugh.
Afterwards Keanna danced around the tree. Our cute Ayla with her wrinkled nose.
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