Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Our little rascal

Ayla has always been a little joy with her contagious smile and fun personality. Lately, she has been a little rascal. Here are some of her stubborn behaviors she has recently taken on.

1. She WILL NOT sleep in her pack and play. Last weekend we watched our friends kids. Our plan was to put Ayla in her pack and play. The moment we put Ayla in the pack and play she would instantly crawl out. Ayla was up quite late that night. We eventually put a bunch of blankets in her empty crib and she immediately crashed.

2. Its always time to go PO PO! Ayla has recognized the need for her diaper to be changed. At first I was excited at this glimpse into potty training. However, Ayla insists on her diaper being changed even if a little bit of urine escapes. Today we went to Burger King and I changed her diaper 3 times. She would squat, grab her crotch and say "Po Po" and then start walking to the bathroom. I actually wonder if she might have a UTI or something. If anyone has any experience on this, let me know. Otherwise, its another trip to the doctor!

1 comment:

Jason and Stacy Bingham said...

Hey Emily,
I can't believe how big Ayla is getting. Lindsey had a UTI once but she didn't go to the bathroom very often because when she did she was white knuckled on the toilet, because it hurt for her to go potty. She was also incontinant since she had been potty trained she had accidents. I know that cranberry juice is supposed to really help UTI's if she will drink some. Good Luck!!