Sunday, March 7, 2010

Tooth # 3

Keanna was eating an apple on the way home from church. She kept complaining that it hurt her tooth. I suggested that perhaps the apple had loosened her tooth. After a few moments she excitedly expressed that her tooth was loose.
Keanna wiggled the tooth all day long. A half an hour after we put her to bed she came downstairs to show us her progress and shortly thereafter she yanked out her tooth.
As you can see, her mouth was quite bloody. Intially, she didn't realize the amount of blood she had produced and was a little suprised after seeing pictures. However, she seemed fine with the blood. Now we hope that it's not too late for the Tooth Fairy to make a visit to our house.


Andrew B said...

Oh sad. It probably was too late for the tooth fairy.

JasonBingham said...

I love the 'bloody' pictures.

Jason and Stacy Bingham said...

I knew you were vampire related. She really caught her tooth on somebodies artery didn't she. Just kidding!! Love the pictures. WE miss you guys. With spring on it's way I'm sure the housing market will be opening a lot of possibilities. WE will keep our eyes open for you.