Sunday, April 12, 2009


On Wed we went to Bayrueth, this city is only about 45 minutes away. It's a beautiful city with it's golden age around the mid 1700's with Wilhelmine as their ruler. Wilhelmine was the favorite sister of the Prussian King, Fredrick II. Several castles were built and the famous composer Richard Wagner moved here in 1872.

First, we went to Margraves Opera House, built in the 18th century, it's one of the finest Baroque theaters in Europe. Richard Wagner, the composer was attracted to this opera house and did many performances here. (sorry no pictures, its tricky with 3 kids).

Next, we went Eremitage Gardens at the Old Castle on the outskirts of town. Sadly, the castle was closed, but we were able to walk around the gardens for free it was beautiful! I took many pictures here!

Keanna and Ayla

If you look really close you will see a man in a red shirt sitting on a bench, that's my Dad.

Dad and Tami exploring

Dad and Tami. Wilhelmine liked to have "ruins" in her backyard, maybe a good idea for your next landscaping project.

The girls had a lot of fun jumping and rolling down the hill. They were adorable.

The building below was a new add on to the old castel, it was covered in these rocks in a stripe pattern. It was very intresting and beautiul.

1 comment:

JasonBingham said...

Well, Tax season is over and I can now look at your blog. We are getting excited to see some of this stuff. Thnaks for the e-file return.