Saturday, August 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Justin!!

This is a picture of Justin, Ayla and Keanna on his birthday. Justin is such a wonderful husband and father. He is continually patient with me and the girls,helps around the house, does all the scary or yucky jobs and he is super fun to be with. I couldn't ask for a better travel partner, he typically drives, navigates, takes on the role as a tour guide feeding me history and other intresting facts and stays calm when things get stressful. Justin is my best friend and I am so thankful that I am married to him, I think I did well.

Justin had to go out of town the night before his birthday and got home at about 8:30 pm on his birthday. The girls and I anticipated his return all day. The older girls waited up late prepared for the big party. Lyndi didn't quite make the party and retired to bed.

The girls anticipating Justin's birthday party!!

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