I am so thankful that I had a sensitive and understanding doctor. It's uncommon for Doctors to induce labor here in Germany, but Dr. Dudenhoff recogonized that it was a good idea for me to be induced.
Saturday Feb 21st Justin and I showed up at the hospital at 8:30 in the morning. We waited around for a couple hours and after lunch we finally began. The birthing center was amazing! It had a room for guests, a birthing tub and a couple of birthing rooms. This would be a perfect place for a natural labor.
At 12:15 they gave me some oxytocin it did very little to my body and after an hour we decided it would be good to break my water. However, I decided an epidural would be in my favor.
As I was receiving the epidural my blood pressure dropped and the room began getting grey. My attentive midwife had me lay down and get lots of fluids before we proceeded with the epidural. I didn't realize I was that afraid of needles!
At 3:15 she broke my water and for the next couple hours I took a nap and enjoyed hearing about my midwives adventures living in New Guinea for 5 years. At 5:15 I was dialated to a 10 and three pushes later Lyndi Nadine was born at 5:20.
Lyndi is perfect in every way, I love the bonding after birth and I love holding a new child covered in varnix. What an amazing miracle child birth is. We are so happy to have our little Lyndi in our arms. What a blessing.
My last shot of my belly. That big smile means that I knew I would be holding a bundle of joy shortly.
Lyndi was born in Sulzbach Germany at St. Anna's Hospital. This is a view of the city from the hospital.
I held and nursed Lyndi for awhile and aftewards our midwife took her cleaned her up and weighed her.
Our midwife also gave her a bath. Justin did get to cut the cord.
One of my friends said that "Justins lot in life is to be surrounded by beautiful women." You can tell that he already adores Lyndi.