Saturday, April 11, 2009


My Dad, Tami and Tami's Mother Francis arrived Saturday April 3, 2009 at the Prague airport. They had quite the misfortune with their luggage. After 30 hours they arrived, but their luggage did not. Luckily, they were prepared and they each had one spare set of clothing. We did a lot of washing the first couple days, but by Monday afternoon MOST of their luggage was here. They still hadn't received everything. We blessed Lyndi on Sunday and on Monday Justin took everyone to Flossenberg. A concentration camp about 45 min away. I stayed home to wait for the luggage. I was okay, with this I have been twice already.


likeschocolate said...

What a beautiful church! I will have to put this on my list of things to see. Happy Easter!

Adam/Regina said...

It's been so long since I've blogged so I had to go back and catch up. First, congratulations! Lydi is the perfect addition to an already beautiful family. I have a niece named Lyndi - I love that name! Reading your blog makes me laugh because having all boys verses all girls can make such a big difference. Ribbons and clothes verses bruises and bugs!