I am so thankful that I had a sensitive and understanding doctor. It's uncommon for Doctors to induce labor here in Germany, but Dr. Dudenhoff recogonized that it was a good idea for me to be induced.
Saturday Feb 21st Justin and I showed up at the hospital at 8:30 in the morning. We waited around for a couple hours and after lunch we finally began. The birthing center was amazing! It had a room for guests, a birthing tub and a couple of birthing rooms. This would be a perfect place for a natural labor.
At 12:15 they gave me some oxytocin it did very little to my body and after an hour we decided it would be good to break my water. However, I decided an epidural would be in my favor.
As I was receiving the epidural my blood pressure dropped and the room began getting grey. My attentive midwife had me lay down and get lots of fluids before we proceeded with the epidural. I didn't realize I was that afraid of needles!
At 3:15 she broke my water and for the next couple hours I took a nap and enjoyed hearing about my midwives adventures living in New Guinea for 5 years. At 5:15 I was dialated to a 10 and three pushes later Lyndi Nadine was born at 5:20.
Lyndi is perfect in every way, I love the bonding after birth and I love holding a new child covered in varnix. What an amazing miracle child birth is. We are so happy to have our little Lyndi in our arms. What a blessing.
My last shot of my belly. That big smile means that I knew I would be holding a bundle of joy shortly.
Lyndi was born in Sulzbach Germany at St. Anna's Hospital. This is a view of the city from the hospital.
I held and nursed Lyndi for awhile and aftewards our midwife took her cleaned her up and weighed her.
Our midwife also gave her a bath. Justin did get to cut the cord.
One of my friends said that "Justins lot in life is to be surrounded by beautiful women." You can tell that he already adores Lyndi.
She is so beautiful you guys are so lucky to have 3 amazing girls. Congrats
Congrats!!! She is so beautiful!!! I am glad that everything went so well. You two make beautiful little girls:)
A funny note.... Aunt Geri thought that Mom and Dad should name me Lyndi because of the combination of my parents names:)
Congratulations Emily. Those girls are so lucky to be born to you.
Well, I'm so glad that things went well in Sulzbach. Was Elizabeth your midwife? She is fabulous- really a blessing, I think, to all us American patients. I love the little sleeping sacks they put the babies in, too. You all look so happy and I'm excited to see your family in a couple of weeks. All the best with the recovery, sleeping, etc. Congratulations!
We are so excited for you! I LOVE having a new baby in the house. It is my favorite stage! I LOVE newborns.
I hope you are doing well. I know you will recover fast!
Congratulations Justin and Emily! Lyndi is so beautiful! I love her name! What a beautiful birth story! I loved seeing all of the pictures! You have a gorgeous family! It is so fun to see your blog again! Thanks for sending me an invite!
I am so happy to hear that everything went so smooth for you! I have stopped myself many times from picking up the phone and calling you. I love the fact that Lyndi will be able to tell everyone she was born in Germany :) I bet you are so glad to be done!
Em, I'm so glad everything went so smoothly! She's darling and fits right into your cute family. 3 girls - WOW!
Congrats! What beautiful daughters!
beautiful family there! Glad to see you home and doing so well. Things are crazy here for the next few days...or weeks... or maybe months. But, the sun always rises and so does April 15!
Emily - put that man of yours to work while he is home.
love you guys.
She is so sweet! Good work Emily and Justin!
Love these pictures! What a cutie! So glad everything went well. Hope you're getting some sleep here and there! Congratulations!
Oh My GOSH I didn't realize I could get on here! You must have changed it or something! COngrats on number three......I have felt so out of the loop because I gave you an old email address so I haven't been able to get on to see you! Lyndi is sooo cute! I LOVE having a girl! Soo good to see you!
Congratulations. She is gorgeous, and you look like you did great. My girls just turned one and I've been remembering them as newborns. It goes by so fast, hold her has much as possible, I miss that.
Okay, so I loved looking at every single one of those photos. The mystery meat totally made me laugh as it reminded me of something a kid creates out of play dough, but I'm with you . .pretty much anything tastes good after not eating for so long during labor and delivery. You all look amazing and I can't believe how quickly your other babies are growing into beautiful little girls. Miss you guys!
WOW Emily! Congratulations!!!! I found your blog through the Johnson's (Daisha). Your blog is beautiful. It is so nice to see Keanna (sp?). She is such a little girl now instead of so much like a baby when she was in nursery.... and Ayla now looks like Keanna.
Lyndi looks so cute! What great pics you had. Greg and I both cringed at that yucky stuff with meat in it. You are braver than I.
Anway... it's nice to catch up.
Gwen Owens (from Garden Park ward... do you remember me??)
Great pictures guys,
I Love the meat?? What ever that was. See ya in Oct, if not sooner
Great pictures guys, Look forward to seeing you in Oct if not sooner
Congrats you guys! I love her little bow. I'm sure that Justin will agree that loves having all the beautiful women around him....that is until all the beautiful woment hit their teen years!
Congrats! SHe is truly a beautiful baby!
Was that meat/gelatin good? It kinda looked like a fruit roll up!
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