Friday, November 28, 2008

Wien Austria

Leah and I decided it would be fun to take a girls trip to Wien (Vienna) Austria. We are lucky enough to have wonderful, supportive husbands that watched the kids. Below is a picture of us starting our trip the day before Thanksgiving. I admit, I did a terrible job taking pictures this trip.

Vienna is were the Hapsburg Royalty's dynasty was built. The Hapsburg supplied many of the Holy Roman Emperors. Even after the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved the Hapsburgs were the royalty of Austria. We spent a good amount of time looking at museums etc. about this royal family.Below is the Gothic St. Stephens cathedral. It somehow managed to survive the WWII bombs, all except the roof, which was rebuilt in 1952.
Leah and I hiked this 450- foot high tower (343 stairs) to enjoy the great view of the city. It took my breath away, in more then one sense.

We visited the Kaisergruft (crypt) where the Hapsburgs tombs (around 150) still remain. Intrestingly, they buried their hearts in the nearby Augustinian Church and their entrails in the crypt below St. Stephens cathedral. All of the Hapsburgs were married in the Augustinian church where their literal hearts will remain forever. Ahh, now isn't that romantic.
We visted the Hofburg Palace and were able to tour beautiful silver and porcelain collection, learn a little about the empress Sisi and see the beautiful Palace. Unfourtunatley, we were unable to take pictures. I guess you will have to go and see if for yourself.

The picture below was taken right before entering the Palace.
Empress Elizabeth (1837-1898) or know as Sisi was married to Franz Joseph. Franz Joseph was a terrible military man who helped start WWI and helped end royal families.

Sisi was know for her ankle length hair and tiny waist. It was intresting to see her exercise room inside the palace. Below is a picture of Leah and Sisi's sillouhuette.

We were lucky to have sunshine as we walked out of the palace. It was a perfect day.
We also toured the Treasury which held royal jewels, swords, sceptors and crowns from the Hapsburgs. Below is Rudolf II crown, I believe he died 1602.

That evening I watched my first Opera, Salome. Which is basically the story of John the Baptist's death. I didn't know what to expect, but I really enjoyed it! There was a translation monitor in front of each seat. It was perfect we had beautiful music AND I understood the story. We were cheap and purchased the "standing room only" seats, which mean't we had to stand. Next time, I will splurge and buy a seat.

Wien World Famous Opera House

It was such a wonderful trip. We saw some incredible sights, but I think the best part was the good conversation. It felt like a sleepover again, talking until 2 AM in the morning.


Tara and Josh said...

Looks to me like you did a great job of taking pictures. I am wondering if Justin and Leah's husband cooked a full Thanksgiving dinner and had it waiting for you all when you got home?

We tried to call but could not get through on Thursday.

Hope the potty training is going good!

Kristine said...

I am so glad you had the chance to get away and have some good girl time! How fun!

Suzy said...

My heart is aching for your adventures. The pictures just keep me wishing and dreaming! I am so jealous it's not funny. What fun to go to a real live opera in none other than Vienna! I think your pictures were great and I love how you give us some background historical info. You could major in history after your sightseeing.

Leah said...

I had a great time too. Can't wait to plan another "girls weekend!" I still need your pictures. I think I only got 3 before my camera died.

Jaime said...

Looks like you guys got a lot done on that trip. It is so great that you are able to have so many traveling opportunities while you are over there! Keep taking advantage while you are so close to so many great historic places! How are you feeling now a days, you are getting closer to that baby!

mariann and Tory said...

Dang! Those pictures look like they came out of a travel magazine! WOW! LOVE the paintings! THanks for the tour!