Sunday, August 3, 2008

Edelsfeld Stadt Fest

Last week they had the annual "Stadt Fest" in our village. On Saturday the girls and I watched as they brought the tree through town. Keanna was soo excited. I believe that each town has a little festival to celebrate the "dedication" of their church.

watching as they bring the tree through town

On Sunday, we heard the band and the men and women singing through the village. We followed them down to the church, and watched them dance around the tree. I always love to see others dressed in the traditinal Bavarian clothing, I've got to get some. I love it when they sing and yodel, it gives me a great laugh.

Afterwards Keanna danced around the tree. Our cute Ayla with her wrinkled nose.
On Monday, I went down with some of our German friends and enjoyed an evening of laughter and cultural awarness. Go ahead Stop and Stare!


Ashley said...

I just realized my sister-in-law's neice is stationed near you guys. Maybe your in the same ward? Her name is Melanie McElheny...

Clark Family said...

Emily and fam,
We were so happy to see your blog! Your girls are getting older and more beautiful. Germany looks so great!
Kelli and fam

mariann and Tory said...

That sounds like a fun time! What is that celebration for? I hope you get an outfit! They rock!

Tanner Family Blog said...

Seriously, it's like you guys live in a movie! I loved the way you call it your "village!"
All sounds like fun -

Adventures of Ardis said...

It looks like this was a fun thing to do! I love European traditions. I think you definitely should get a Bavarian outfit, you could totally pull it off!

Tyra said...

Why don't American towns have cultural events like this? I guess we just get Multnomah Days. That looks like you all had fun.

Adam/Regina said...

I love to see how our kids have changed so much since dental school. Keanna seems to have no fears and enjoys the "stage" life. There's nothing in the world I could bribe Calvin with that would convince him to be on a stage or dance where anyone else could see him. ;-)

nickandhil'sfamily said...

Fun posts! I love the info on your tag post-yum Chocolate! It is fun seeing Justin but I so wish you and the girls were here too!

Carina said...

Some of those pictures remind me a little of something called the Maypole Dance!

Carina said...

So, you know your beaches really well! This beach is in Ocean side, which is right next to Carlsbad. I didn't know your dad had a beach condo, how nice! And I agree, we definitely need to talk!

Steve, Kristine, Cole, Kade said...

It is fun to live this life isn't it? Good job catching the moment - no regrets - remember that!