Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Coffee and Tea

Today as I dropped off Keanna at school all the German ladies were standing around talking and drinking coffee. One of the ladies invited me! I froze and then asked for Herbal Tea! I joined the women as they patiently listened to me slaughter the few German words that I know. Apparently, they get together every other week on Mittwoch. One of the women brings the coffee, tea and tea cups. I am so excited and I will now be looking for an inexpensive tea set, so I can host one of these socials. I think I might ask Vanessa our favorite babysitter to teach me how to make coffee. I am so exicted!

1 comment:

Jason and Stacy Bingham said...

I think that is awsome you get to have a REAL tea party. The girls will be jealous. I am glad you've found some women to visit with even if you don't speak the same language. I think every woman needs someone to visit with.
love ya,