Sunday, October 14, 2007

Skipping Rocks

There are numerous lessons in life that a child must learn, and, certainly, we as parents prefer that some of those lessons be learned from us and not from teachers, friends, or peers in the locker-room. Perhaps no responsibility bears more weight on the shoulders of a father than that of properly teaching their young and innocent child to skip a rock. While spending the weekend in the German Alps, I realized that Keanna was getting old enough and soon she would be asking questions. After spotting a perfect river, I decided it was time for Pops to step up to the plate and have "the talk".

It all begins with finding the right rock--thin, but not too light and skinny. But there is much more, such as finding the proper body of water with its associated flow and current.

Then extend the arm.

Point the opposite elbow towards the intended direction of skipping.

Then just let it fly and start counting.

I'll be honest, "the talk" went pretty well, yet we have a lot to work on still. But as a conscientous father, I continue to look for those precious teaching moments where more of life's valuable lessons can be taught.

1 comment:

Carina said...

You've been tagged, check out my blog for the rules!